Beanels 🐱
Beanels are the main protagonists in the game.
To start playing, players can purchase Beanels from the NFT sale of Origin Beanels, or from subsequent sale of Beanels that are bred on-chain. Players can also rent Beanels via the scholarship programme.
Four Beanel classes
Depending on the Beanel's habitat, there are different starting classes with corresponding abilities and restrictions:
Fin Beanels who swim the vast oceans,
Leaf Beanels who inhabit the jungles and forests,
Fur Beanels who roam the grasslands and lush plains and
Winged Beanels who conquer the skies of Beanterra.
Each Beanel class has its own set of unique body parts specific to its class.
Five elements
Every Beanel, Relic (artifact) and Bemoth has its own element:
Levin (lightning) is strong against Terra and weak against Zephyr
Zephyr (wind) is strong against Levin and weak against Pyre
Aqua (water) is strong against Pyre and weak against Terra
Pyre (fire) is strong against Zephyr and weak against Aqua
Terra (earth) is strong against Aqua and weak against Levin
The elements affects the ability and effectiveness of each Beanel. Each element has an element it is strong against and one it is weak against, giving a very balanced gameplay.
Beanel body parts
Depending on the class of the Beanel, each Beanel will have six different body parts which affect ability in various ways:
Crown/Ear/Horn affects the type of basic offensive ability and attack pattern
Eyes affects the effectiveness of hits on the enemy
Mouth affects the effectiveness of Relic mastery
Wings/Back affects the ability to carry Relic items
Tail/Backfin affects the defense ability and stats
Skin affects the effectiveness of Elemental usage
Beanel body part quality
Each body part has a quality level:
In the breeding process, an offspring Beanel's quality level will be highly influenced by its parents. However, even though two parents may have the highest quality traits (Pristine) this doesn't guarantee the production of a Pristine quality due to the possibility of random mutations.
Character statistics
The body part quality of each Beanel, will influence the four base stats that affect the Beanel's combat ability:
Vitality (VIT) - Affects health and increase abilities damage
Agility (AGI) - Affects speed, evasion and critical rate
Dexterity (DEX) - Affects accuracy and critical damage
Spirit (SPI) - Affects spell relic abilities and increases abilities damage
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